CBR 518: The Feast After The Famine

In this episode, they discuss German black lagers, "The Bear" TV show, character arcs, travel anecdotes, and recommend the Non-Conformist beer from Hill Farms. Excitement for future episodes is expressed.

2024, Craft Beer Radio
Craft Beer Radio

In this episode, we start off by discussing the beers we have for this episode. We analyze a German black lager aged in American white oak from Trace Brewing in Pittsburgh. The beer has light color with fruity aromas and a dry flavor. Opinions differ on the presence of a skunked flavor. Moving on, we delve into the Nonconformist Eight beer, aged in aromatic/Gentian bitters barrels. It has a unique aroma and flavor, reminiscent of blended bitters. We find it to be a very unique and delicious beer. The conversation then shifts to a TV show called "The Bear," which Jeff recommends to Greg and Shannon. Jeff describes it as a character study and mentions its intense and chaotic nature, which Greg is not a fan of. Shannon shares her experience watching the show and how it compounds stress. They discuss a particular episode, "The Fishes," focusing on the intense family dynamics portrayed. Jeff praises the acting and mentions notable guest stars. Greg reveals that his sister also recommended the show and talks about a different episode he watched. They discuss the next episode and have mixed opinions on it. Shannon's daughter-in-law considers it her favorite, but Jeff and Shannon disagree. They delve into the character arc of a specific character and the importance of validation. Finally, they wrap up the discussion by talking about the quality of the acting in the show. Returning to the beer conversation, Jeff mentions that the discussed episode is one of the best episodes of TV that many people have seen. They move on to discuss the Non-Conformist beer from Hill Farms, which they both enjoy. After deciding on the next beer to try, they share anecdotes about a dump bucket they received from a hotel in Wyoming and reminisce about their travels. They then move on to the East End 19th Anniversary beer, a Mexican mole stout with chili and Mexican chocolate flavors. They discuss the ingredients and flavors of the beer, with Jeff mentioning that he had a taste of it the night before. As the conversation progresses, Greg expresses his curiosity to learn more about Du Bois, leading to some lighthearted banter about its pronunciation. Jeff introduces the "Marry, Fuck, Kill" beer game and shares his choices, nominating Brew Gentlemen for an award on the podcast. Shannon struggles to make her choices but eventually settles on her picks. Finally, Jeff expresses his excitement for future episodes, and Greg adds a humorous comment about USB cables, bringing the conversation to a close.

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Long Summary

In this episode, we start off by discussing the beers we have for this episode. We analyze a German black lager aged in American white oak from Trace Brewing in Pittsburgh. The beer has light color with fruity aromas and a dry flavor. Opinions differ on the presence of a skunked flavor. Moving on, we delve into the Nonconformist Eight beer, aged in aromatic/Gentian bitters barrels. It has a unique aroma and flavor, reminiscent of blended bitters. We find it to be a very unique and delicious beer.

The conversation then shifts to a TV show called "The Bear," which Jeff recommends to Greg and Shannon. Jeff describes it as a character study and mentions its intense and chaotic nature, which Greg is not a fan of. Shannon shares her experience watching the show and how it compounds stress. They discuss a particular episode, "The Fishes," focusing on the intense family dynamics portrayed. Jeff praises the acting and mentions notable guest stars. Greg reveals that his sister also recommended the show and talks about a different episode he watched. They discuss the next episode and have mixed opinions on it. Shannon's daughter-in-law considers it her favorite, but Jeff and Shannon disagree. They delve into the character arc of a specific character and the importance of validation. Finally, they wrap up the discussion by talking about the quality of the acting in the show.

Returning to the beer conversation, Jeff mentions that the discussed episode is one of the best episodes of TV that many people have seen. They move on to discuss the Non-Conformist beer from Hill Farms, which they both enjoy. After deciding on the next beer to try, they share anecdotes about a dump bucket they received from a hotel in Wyoming and reminisce about their travels. They then move on to the East End 19th Anniversary beer, a Mexican mole stout with chili and Mexican chocolate flavors. They discuss the ingredients and flavors of the beer, with Jeff mentioning that he had a taste of it the night before.

As the conversation progresses, Greg expresses his curiosity to learn more about Du Bois, leading to some lighthearted banter about its pronunciation. Jeff introduces the "Marry, Fuck, Kill" beer game and shares his choices, nominating Brew Gentlemen for an award on the podcast. Shannon struggles to make her choices but eventually settles on her picks. Finally, Jeff expresses his excitement for future episodes, and Greg adds a humorous comment about USB cables, bringing the conversation to a close.

Brief Summary

In this episode, we discuss beers, including a German black lager and the Nonconformist Eight. We also talk about the TV show "The Bear" and its intense nature. We share our thoughts on specific episodes and delve into character arcs. The conversation then returns to beer, including the Non-Conformist from Hill Farms. We share travel anecdotes and discuss the East End 19th Anniversary beer. We mention Du Bois, play a beer game, and wrap up with excitement for future episodes.


episode, beers, German black lager, Nonconformist Eight, TV show, The Bear, intense nature, specific episodes, character arcs, Non-Conformist, Hill Farms, travel anecdotes, East End 19th Anniversary beer, Du Bois, beer game, future episodes
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[0:08] Cbr episode 518 on.

[0:11] February 3rd.

[0:13] 2024 i'm sanon.

[0:16] I'm jeff and.

[0:18] Me that's right it's, it's weird.

[0:28] You know that's what well well it's like do i pardon me one still and say welcome Welcome to Craft Beer Radio, the show for craft brewing and the craft beer industry.

[0:41] Yeah, that was, we were trying to come up with something, a way to say it, and we never did.
And I don't know. CBR sounds fine.

[0:52] CBR.

[0:54] CBR it is.

[0:55] CBR. CBR. So what do we have, Mr. Jeff CBR?

[0:58] We have some beers from the fridge from three or four or local.
and wow that's in oh no three are local one is from pennsylvania outside a local and one is from hill farmstead so okay our trip we're uh got three dark beers three strong beers and then two saisoni things so we're gonna start with this trace traces here in pittsburgh they're in uh, what is that bloomfield area i think technically across the bridge from the bloomfield boundary but.

[1:33] Hmm interesting so i'm looking at their page they have in their tap room a photo sports beer 4.6 percent aged their german black lager for a few months in american white oak voter that sounds interesting yeah.

[1:48] They have some pretty good stuff that i've had um they do making a lot of noise babe sorry.

[1:56] Yeah we'll get rid of most of that right, uh anyway you were saying they do.

[2:02] They do you know your regular hazies and whatnot but then you know also a fair share of of loggers like the schwartz beer you mentioned but they also have a, other lighter i can't remember right now pilsner or some very offshoot that's similar but you know and then um yeah they've been doing some of the barrel age stuff like this so this beer pours, is very light in color, pretty clear, almost looks like champagne to me. Yeah.

[2:35] I was going to say it looked a little hazy, but that was just actually condensation on my part. Yeah. And it is not hazy.
And yeah, so it's, yeah, champagne is a good way to describe it.

[2:46] Like a Chardonnay, actually. I think it, champagne, isn't it usually a little lighter than that?

[2:54] It might be.

[2:54] Yeah.

[2:55] Yeah.

[2:55] Probably right.

[2:56] Yeah.

[2:57] It's more of a Chardonnay. It's got bubbles in it.

[2:59] Where Chardonnay generally doesn't.

[3:01] Well, yeah. They.

[3:02] Talk about chilling this beer for 24 hours prior to serving and to pour carefully.
So this thing has been in the fridge shortly since we bought it, so it hasn't developed at all since I got it.

[3:16] That's 5-6% Alkaliolium Saison Agent Oak Fodor with Brebnaise.

[3:23] Try to not hit those cables. You're making big, loud noises.

[3:27] Every time they're all.

[3:28] Gee judgy judgy judges aren't we trying to head off that's all the first episode of cbr proper and all you're doing is doing criticizing i noticed he also poured himself the largest sample i mean as long as we're doing criticizing yes.

[3:48] Here you go help yourself thank Thank you.

[3:53] I mean, you do notice that he stacked all of the cords right in front of me, right?
Yeah, I mean, Jeff, if you want us to start on this tack.

[4:04] We can go. Sure.

[4:09] So on the nose, I'm getting, I can't tell if it's apricot or peach. Peach.

[4:20] Yeah, the aroma for me smells fantastic. It has some of those stone fruit flavors like Shannon mentioned.
It's also a bit musky. There's a dustiness to it.

[4:32] There's that bread thing, yeah.

[4:33] Yeah. I wouldn't quite go like a farm or barnyard or anything like that quite, but there's a little bit of muskiness to it for sure.

[4:41] It does smell like, if you can imagine a store, an old dusty store that happens to have like a barrel full of dried apricots yeah.

[4:52] Yeah.

[4:55] It smells so good, Very dry on the flavor. Still a little cold. I'm going to cut my hands around the glass, try to get some more heat in there to open it up.
And from the sip, it tasted kind of closed off.

[5:12] You know.

[5:13] And it kind of chilled on the tongue. And I think for this beer, once it gets past that kind of chilled on the tongue stage, it'll be very deep.
But that was kind of the first thing.
Pretty dry. getting a little bit of um straw kind of scratchy malt flavor um i.

[5:35] Can i see yeah the straw and the malty flavor yeah.

[5:41] I mean the fact that they tell you to like on the bottle chill for 24 hours prior to serving they obviously want you to serve it relatively cold.

[5:51] So they want you yeast to drop out and they want it to be the bottom of the bottle so it pours clearer that's the main reason for that I see yeah so try not to shake the bottle too much so keep the yeast at the bottom.

[6:06] It is a green bottle dark green but green.

[6:09] Does have a little bit of that traditional saison, lightly skunked thing I think there's it's not bad it's not the first thing you notice at all but if you look for it kind of that saison du pont kind of like twang to it there's a little bit it's kind of three quarters way back on the tongue on the sides is where i'm hitting it interesting.

[6:31] I'm looking for it i'm at least i used to be very very sensitive to that and i'm not detecting it so who knows.

[6:39] Yeah some people who make saisons feel that the light striking the skunking is part of what should be in the style right jester king King has been known to do that.
Um, I presume that's part of the reason they chose a green bottle for this one, but I don't know.
Um, and then, yeah, a lot of the traditional, um, Belgian Saison's phantom says on DuPont, you know, come into green bottle too. Um.

[7:13] I've had some really good Saisons and I've had some really bad Saisons. I think this one's.

[7:18] Oh, this is on the very, this is on the good side.

[7:19] I'm sure.

[7:20] Yeah.

[7:20] This is above average.

[7:23] It's not ridiculously complex. So that's where it loses points, if anything.
Because, I mean, the thing about a Saison is there's, in general, it's light on flavor, so you can't hide anything.
So if there's any flaws, they're going to stand out like crazy.

[7:39] Yeah.

[7:39] There aren't flaws here. but at the same time it also means very delicate flavors can come through.

[7:44] Yeah the brett is pretty subtle it's not like a leather it's not straight up leathery or any kind of funk or anything like that so the brettanomyces yeast that are in there are kind of subtle um what else did i want to say about this oh when you're saying it's one of the better ones you know there's that whole phenomenal there's like belgian style saisons like this and then there's like brew pub saisons sure right which are way you know too sweet they're never dried out they're almost like a wit beer they're almost like an um a blonde ale you know they're somewhere in there they're really not distinctively saisons and you know they used to be and probably still are a lot of locally locally produced things that are saisons that to me don't hold a candle to the good ones from belgium this one is in the group of ones that are comparable relatable to the ones from belgium.

[8:45] As it is, it is a wonderful plate, and I'm just looking for, you might even call it a wonderful sauce.
I'm looking for the main dish that goes there, right? Because I think as a platform, it's fantastic.
There aren't any flaws here. It's nice and dry, like you said.
It's got the right amount of funk where it's not overpowering the funk, but it's there, so it just gives it that little edge.

[9:07] This would be a fantastic beer to go with a meal because it's not overpowering.
it's drying you know it'll go good with lots of things a lot of the traditional things for me like a vinaigrette salad um you know some even this.

[9:26] Would go great with with meat I could see this going great with a gamey meat especially oh yeah I.

[9:31] Was thinking like a roast pork or something was where my head was going I.

[9:36] Think either one.

[9:39] This was some venison maybe, but it does feel like you.

[9:47] You're totally right it's not like telling us ongoing story it's shown us what it has and it continues to deliver what it has so you know it's like part of what makes a beer exciting here in the format of the show is a storyteller yes you know and this was a lot of storyteller this is one of those beers where if we were just drinking it while we're watching tv or something would be like oh that's just that more with a meal yeah that hits the spot this.

[10:14] Is this would be a fantastic meal beer so if you if you ever happen to be in the domain such uh of the area such that you might be able to get this pick this up save it for a meal.

[10:27] Yeah you don't you don't like i said before i'm gonna say it again you don't get, this kind of saison from a local brewery wherever your local is but you're a local brewery unless Unless your local is Bruges, you don't get this kind of saison from a local brewery very often.

[10:48] But, yeah, I mean, the problem with it not being a storyteller is that, therefore, we don't have much else to say about it.

[10:53] Yeah.

[10:55] It's maybe getting a little bit more tart.

[10:58] I'm getting… Is there a little apple juice thing in there? Do you get that?

[11:01] Apple juice. It almost has a bit of a gummy bear type flavor or something.
Almost like a pineapple gummy bear or something like that.

[11:11] Maybe a dried pineapple?

[11:13] Yeah, maybe a dried… I was thinking like a gelatin. my first thought was like like the flavor everyone's tongue is different my first thought was like it gave me the feel of swedish fish but none of the flavor of swedish fish so then i was pivoting from there and that's where i got to like pineapple gummy bear but.

[11:32] Pineapple gummy i think they make pineapple gummy bears they probably do probably yeah i i think it's it's any of those are like a stretch because again there's not much of a story here so it's hard to so we're trying trying to figure out mappings and there there's definitely no one-to-one.

[11:48] Poetic man poetic license, okay so here's the question do we want to do the next light beer i think we do because the rest of the beers are big yeah so the next one is from hill farm blow out our pallets the non-conformist.

[12:06] Okay i need to finish this one okay.

[12:09] All right so while you're doing that i'll talk about the the nonconformist, which is, this is not the nonconformist. This is the nonconformist eight.
There have been, I think there are nine.
Uh, so this is version eight, 6%, um, released, uh,


[12:28] June, June 5th of 23. It is barrel age, Citra hops, American malted barley, Munich malt, organic Vermont malted wheat.
And, um, it's aged in aromatic slash Gentian bitters barrels.
So it's aged in bitters barrel. I assume that means, I assume that's like a alcoholic bitters, like Agostorta. Yeah.

[12:55] Yeah. It would be. I'm not familiar with the Gentia or whatever it is.
So I'm going to try to pour us all equal amounts. I'm going to try to pour it equally clear.
So I'm going to do a little, pour a bit in each glass.

[13:18] Jeff is trying desperately to make up for his last mistake.

[13:26] You're making a lot of noise though.

[13:28] Yeah, you're making too much noise.

[13:31] Sorry forgive me.

[13:34] Maybe, we'll see how the show turns out that.

[13:38] Smells I can smell it from here that's mine, left.

[13:45] And right I mean making mistakes constantly I.

[13:49] Think that you're gonna get funky yeasty stuff I.

[13:52] Don't want funky yeasty that is very funky for sure oh wow, okay so it spent three months in those bitters barrels and then seven months conditioning in the bottle so those aromas come from you think about blended bitters like the what's the name of that i say i guess i.

[14:15] Think you're sure i.

[14:15] Think about like i can store it.

[14:19] So ango angostura is very much like baking spices it's a lot of all spice and clove and And, you know, those kinds of things.
This one comes across more like herbal spices.
Yeah. There's like some rhubarb kind of flavor, like the aroma coming out of it.

[14:38] I just.

[14:39] Yeah.

[14:40] There's a spice in there that I'm picking up that I usually put in my homemade spaghetti sauce.

[14:49] I think I'm smelling some sage or something like that.

[14:52] I'm smelling some cashew. sage.

[14:54] Is definitely cashew.

[14:59] I'm not getting anything nutty or oily.

[15:03] It's the sage. That is definitely what I was trying to...

[15:09] I can buy that.

[15:11] So yeah, when I first poured the bottle, it was sitting a little over foot from my face, and I could just smell that bitters aromatics.
Now my nose is in the glass, and I've become accustomed to it.
I'm not noticing that pungentness anymore.

[15:29] The color is, well, so Shannon got the best, the clearest version, but it's still mostly the same, right?
It's that Chardonnay color. Ours is a little bit foggier than Shannon's.

[15:44] Do we need to mix them?

[15:46] Well, we'll see.

[15:47] Let's see what they taste like. You know, I guess the solution, the right solution would be to decant the bottle into a decanter.
And then pour it into glasses.

[15:58] Right?

[15:58] Right?

[15:58] Yeah.

[15:59] Because then I could stop pouring when I want to cut the yeast.

[16:04] Mm-hmm.

[16:04] And then it would be uniform in the decanter and then I could pour it in.

[16:07] Yeah, but we should save that for things like this because there are other places where I don't know whether it affects the beer or not to pour it twice, but.

[16:17] Well, you'll lose some carbonation.

[16:18] Yeah. Right?

[16:19] So, yeah, it's a trade on that whole thing. Look at those. Because this one I poured in each of our glasses.
I went back to each glass three different times, right?
So I tried so well to make sure we were getting equal strats out of the bottle.
And Shannon's is still significantly clear.

[16:37] Yeah, but the bubbles on the top here, mine have this almost a copper reddish tint to it. Do you see that?

[16:55] I don't.

[16:57] Well, yeah.
I mean.

[16:59] It's very light.

[17:02] You were right about sage. Okay.

[17:04] Okay, really?

[17:06] It's there, really strongly in the flavor. Very herbaceous flavor.

[17:12] Oh, wow.

[17:13] Yeah, it almost reminds me of a digestive or something where it has these big herbal-type flavors.
It's dry. There's a little kind of bready tang to it.
um i love the balance on this thing yeah i've had too many beers where they try to do like sage beer and it's like with a big malt backbone and that that undried herbal thing doesn't work for me but this dry herbal and it.

[17:43] Gives you the lightness plus the complexity which is nice.

[17:46] It's almost like a a really good loaf of bread that has a hint of sage.

[17:55] Yeah almost like a you know typically They'll put rosemary on the bread, right? Right. But it's that vibe.
Yeah. It's maybe not the same herb, but it's that vibe of like that rosemary oil. Well.

[18:06] To me, like.

[18:06] Oh, yeah. Fresh bread that you get at an Italian restaurant where they put the plate of oil with the seasonings in it for you to dip it in.
That's what it tastes like. That's exactly what it tastes like to me.

[18:21] With something extra because you get the, you get that like sage in, to me, like right in the middle of my tongue. and then it turns into a tang.
So the sage fades, but in the instant you put more beer in your mouth, the sage comes back.

[18:35] But.

[18:35] Then I think that aromatic jumps into your nose and then you're left with the tanginess in the taste.

[18:46] I like this.

[18:47] This is really good. There's, I mean, this is very, very unique.
I don't think, I can't say I've ever had a beer like this.

[18:57] Mm-mm.

[19:00] Going to have to figure out what aromatic Gentian bitters are, if we can get some.

[19:06] I mean, it sounds like what you really want is a barrel.

[19:14] Well, we're not going to rush through this beer, so let's talk about something else.

[19:17] No, we're not.

[19:18] Shannon and I have a new favorite or top-tier TV show. And Greg, I think you need to watch it.

[19:26] So, you can say what it is. I've seen the stuff. Okay.

[19:30] Yeah. It's called The Bear. It's an FX show. I think it's airing primarily on Hulu.
It's a show about a chef who has worked at some of the world's best restaurants.
Like, he was running the kitchen at the French Laundry and comes back to Chicago to run his dead brother's sandwich shop.
but the plot the the that arc really doesn't matter it's just the canvas that everything's painted on it's a character study it's the kind of thing you'll like yeah it's um it's a lot like there's a lot intense it's yeah that's.

[20:08] The reason why i don't think i like it oh.

[20:10] I think you will.

[20:11] I mean i'm not a fan of the intense stuff i'm not a fan of those.

[20:14] Neither am i intense in like argument personal interactions like talking over each other and stuff like that like yeah it just it's chaos that.

[20:23] That always that rarely that is more likely to give me a headache than anything else so.

[20:29] I we started watching it what two nights ago.

[20:33] No it took us about four days to get through though did it okay what's nice is they're like mostly 30 minute episodes so are.

[20:43] They even 30 it seems like they're so short.

[20:46] They seem to vary from like 24 to like 35 somewhere in there um.

[20:51] I can't watch it.

[20:58] If I've had a really stressful day, because it just makes it worse.
It just compounds it. Last night, so Thursday night, we watched one of the episodes, which was the most intense episode that I think in all two seasons that are out.
um i checked out because i i just i couldn't handle the stress it was you know it was too much for me so i kind of checked out and then i ended up falling asleep and i don't know how i fell asleep watching this episode because it was crazy intense and in good so last night and the reason i know that is because then last night we watched it and i had a good day yesterday yesterday it wasn't as stressful plus it was friday so we've got the weekend to recover from the week and so i had a different completely different mindset and we re-watched it and it was so good i think that i mean you're kind of like me in that way you can't the stressful stressful situations like that is just like shut down you know so i would recommend i.

[22:22] Don't i wouldn't say that it's more like i just i don't need more of that.

[22:27] Yeah okay yeah but it is really really good and i would recommend you watch it on a weekend on it so i guess in a period of time when you're not working intense.

[22:40] Better call saul episode or scene that you can think of like is Is that too hard? Can be. Can be? Okay.
This is a little bit worse. The episode that we're talking about is episode two, season six, called The Fishes.

[22:53] Yeah.

[22:53] And it's this family thing. It's set five years before the current storyline.
And it's basically Christmas dinner of the seven fishes.
But a family who just whoever talks the loudest is smartest kind of thing.
And it was so loaded. You might have seen what I posted on the Discord, but it's so loaded with cameo stars as Bob Odenkirk, John Mulaney, Jillian Jacobs, Sarah, a girl from American Horror Story, Sarah Paulson.

[23:31] What's her name?

[23:32] Jamie Lee Curtis plays the mother and she plays this like borderline personality disorder.
Like, oh, my God. Yeah.
She'll probably win an Emmy next year for like supporting actress kind of thing.
Cause like it's unreal. Um.

[23:49] So, um, you're not the first person to recommend this to me.
Um, my sister also recommended the bear to me and she gave me episode to watch.
Wasn't this one. It was the next one. In fact.

[24:00] Oh.

[24:01] So that's interesting.

[24:03] That's funny.

[24:04] So I think you could watch the fishes standalone. The next episode is a redemption arc for the shitty ass character.
and um i don't know if it stands alone and we didn't like it as much because it was a feel-good episode and i don't know if like that's not why we watch tv is for everything that goes well you know that kind of thing i.

[24:24] Mean it it felt like it was a a an episode of the show that that was deliberately she was trying not to to she she you know was trying not to get me stressed out.

[24:36] Shannon's daughter-in-law said that's her favorite episode, too.
She's like, the next one's better. And we watched it. We're talking about fishes.
And we watched it. We're like, I mean, I see why, but no, it's not better.

[24:49] I can see why because there's validation for Richie.
Ricky? Ricky? Whatever his name. He's validated finally.
finally and that was really really needed um so i can see why people like my daughter-in-law and stuff would say that that was their favorite episode um he was an unlikable character before that right so like.

[25:21] I mean really unlikable like like you're like why don't they fire this guy you know like that's.

[25:27] Yeah but the episode before the acting is just, by far i think the best acting i've ever seen on a on a.

[25:41] Television on our discord say that he says it's the best episode of tv that acting he's seen so jason said that too um i'm not saying it's definitely the top five it's good oh yeah i was reading up on it and there's a scene at the the dinner table where it comes to the climax right and um they just let the scene run they had three cameras with long lenses and there's shots of like bobo and kirk like right there where he's egging on the other guy and stuff and it looks like he's set up you know yelling at the camera but he was yelling at the other guy this guy they had the camera on the long lens able to get in there and it's yeah it's intense and maybe you don't like it but maybe.

[26:25] I mean like i'm i'm not opposed to it but i've got a lot of stuff in front of me uh speaking of which i will let's get to the next beer and then i'll talk about okay let's get to let's.

[26:37] Get this one out of the way although.

[26:39] I don't want to i know i just want to sit here and enjoy it this is the non-conformist from hill farms that uh-huh uh this herbal saison is freaking baller yeah.

[26:50] So what would be next on on our list. Where do we go? I don't think we want to go barley wine necessarily.

[26:57] No, let's go to douse maybe? No, let's do these then next.

[27:01] Okay.

[27:01] I think I need to rinse my glass though.

[27:04] Just want it right there.

[27:07] And a dump bucket. We found the dump bucket.

[27:10] And the dump bucket.

[27:13] Yeah, so it was on a low shelf, pushed in the way back in the shed, and then I found it a while ago.
And I thought I brought it into the basement last time, last show, but it was still out in the shed.
So I made sure I paid attention to where I left it.
But the dump bucket, for people who no one probably remembers, but when Ian Heiser-Bush sent us out to Wyoming, they housed us at the Four Seasons in Jackson, Wyoming, at a ski resort.

[27:47] One of the places I really want to go.

[27:49] And when we walked into our hotel rooms, there was this Bud Light bucket with Budweiser beers, the different brands, the Michelobes and the Shock Tops and the whatevers sitting in our room.
So it was like, you know, and then.

[28:04] It was very funny because especially at the time, we are, we're still in our pretty snobbish zone.
zone so we get these you know this nice presentation of oh shock top and the middle.

[28:21] One is mine yeah that's the one closest to me and uh and so of course we're like you know it's a nice gesture that it was just a nice gesture on their part which you know of course they're paying for it's all marketing you know but i remember right it was in the uh time frame when they were making the good beers with Megalobes.

[28:42] Right.

[28:42] It was like Bavarian Wheat or Dunkelweizen in there, I think.

[28:46] Yeah, but there was also Budweiser. Yeah.
So, you know, you poo-poo it at the same time, you're like, oh, sure, why free beer?
So that was fun, the time when we were early enough in the game that they thought marketing to us was valuable. Yeah.

[29:12] That was sure fun getting to go to Idaho, Wyoming, and St. Louis.

[29:15] Yeah, we got all three of those.

[29:18] When are we going to Jackson Hole, Wyoming?

[29:22] When you get Budweiser-level salaries.

[29:25] We can anytime we want to, but we have so much travel coming up this year.

[29:30] I know, we do. We really do.

[29:33] All right, so this is the East End 19th anniversary. it's a mexican mole stout so it has um chili and mexican chocolate in it and the aroma doesn't hide that fact at all yeah.

[29:46] So this one is nine percent and yeah dark black pretty we.

[29:55] Actually went up there was last night.

[29:59] Last.

[30:00] Night give me the can please.

[30:01] Yeah for sure.

[30:05] And I ordered that, but I only got a four ounces.

[30:14] The taster size?

[30:15] I don't know how many ounces it was. I think it was about four ounces.

[30:18] So this has cacao nibs, commonplace, Kunjin coffee, one of my favorites.

[30:24] Oh, yeah. Commonplace. Didn't even notice that.

[30:28] Mexican bourbon, vanilla, and fresh habanero chilies.

[30:32] Wow. so with the so the coffee crazy i didn't yeah the coffee's i don't know see if you can taste it because with the other things out of the vanilla and the cocoa and the chili in the chili um.

[30:45] Well the thing i like about coon gin that particular um blend or or it's not blended say uh it's just a.

[30:54] It's a varietal varietal.

[30:55] Is the body it's not so much the flavor when the The flavor is nice, of course, most of the companies is, but the flavor isn't the standout, it's the body that's the standout, I think.


[31:10] When you brew it right, you got to do like your careful brew.
You can't just throw it into a percolator.

[31:18] It's funny. You know, I have an AeroPress, make AeroPress coffee every day and usually use the paper filters.
and i ran out of paper filters and i had like three of the stainless steel ones you know that one was given me as a gift i think shannon had a couple when you bought your press or something probably and i'm like well let me try to use the metal ones for a bit you know instead of ordering new paper ones right away and that was like on friday last how when did you order the paper oh so by wednesday i went from three down to one i threw two of them out wow there's too late there's more trash on top i couldn't dig it out so like huh okay so i guess i'm not good at these reusable uh filters these stainless steel filters so i ordered some more paper ones um.

[32:02] I i still have a bunch that i could probably give to you because i these days i do pour over okay i do what's that.

[32:11] Yeah chemex chemex.

[32:13] Yeah i have a chemex and um, it's i think just as good uh and and i got myself uh the the oxo thing that gets you the exact right temperature with the with the goose neck the goose neck so yeah so yeah that's cool it's it's a process i have.

[32:32] 800 filters now so i'm not gonna need them for at least a year if not but i'm.

[32:39] We won't say no to them.

[32:41] Yeah yeah but um the same time i've also kind of fell in love with cold brew oh yeah and i might start to make that at home but i like literally even the the cold view cold brew stuff you can buy on the supermarket it's it's fine i mean it's no.

[33:00] If making cold brew with the commonplace stuff is they do it to work they have this fancy ass thing that it soaks for a day and then drains out and um yeah i want to go And it's super concentrate, right? So you usually keep it in the fridge.
You have a gallon of it or whatever. And you pour a few ounces and you actually water it down because it's so concentrate.

[33:24] No, I want to go to Commonplace tomorrow. I mean, even though our shelves are lined with Commonplace coffee here.
I want the Culper.

[33:37] I mean.

[33:38] I can make it, I guess, with the Ninja.

[33:41] I don't know. Usually you... What are you talking about? I mean, I don't know the details. I have to look it up.

[33:48] Yeah, I don't know.

[33:48] But usually you let it sit for like 24 hours.

[33:50] Oh, okay.

[33:52] Yeah, cold brew is a slow process.

[33:54] Is it?

[33:54] Yeah.

[33:54] I don't really know anything about it.

[33:56] You basically get this thing that has an extra, extra large coffee filter.
You make a ton of grinds. You pour the water in.
You let it soak for a day. And then there's a spigot at the bottom, which drains the water out into a catch basin underneath it.
And that's your cold concentrate cold brew.

[34:12] I think I've seen other devices where it's just a lot of stuff and it puts a slow, very slow drip.

[34:18] Okay.

[34:19] So it starts right away dripping, but because it's a slow drip, it takes at least a day.

[34:28] All right. I'm sorry. I just took a taste. Because it's definitely warming up. Well, I'm not sorry.
I went ahead and took a taste. it's warm enough and such a dark chocolate.

[34:42] It's got it's mexican chocolate yeah i mean i've been fortunate enough to be down in the southwest area enough time to get my hands on some you know mexican chocolate yeah um this is very much what it tastes like it's a little bit sort of a dustier grittier chocolate yep uh not nearly.

[35:01] As sweet.

[35:02] Um but that said not incredibly incredibly bitter either no.

[35:06] The uh the bourbon vanilla mexican bourbon vanilla i mean that's contributing a lot to what we're tasting yeah and then i didn't realize until you mentioned it greg it says right here on the label too fresh habanero oh yeah and it's there yeah i when i was drinking this not knowing i was just i was just chili powder but actually if you think about it if i think about it like i can taste kind of it's a little more nuanced a little more fleshy it's a So it's different than just like a ton of cayenne or something added to it.

[35:39] It's actually, it's interesting because I'm tasting the Mexican chocolate on my tongue, but the back of my throat tastes the habanero.

[35:52] Yeah. And it's like.

[35:53] And it's like stuck there.

[35:55] It's not. And I'm not a guy who, I know Jeff loves spicy foods. I'm ambivalent. But I.

[36:02] Kind of want to put a drop of hot sauce in here.

[36:04] It's it's spicy enough to tingle your mouth but it's not spicy enough that you're like i mean unless you're like really against spice which you know some people are but unless but it's spicy enough that it's just a tingle it's not i gotta grab more water, there's nothing there that's like i gotta douse this out it's just a tingle so it's the right amount of spice.

[36:31] Now this is very very good um it is i usually get my east end beers complimentary i paid for this one so.

[36:40] Um

[36:41] We paid for a four-pack yeah.

[36:44] We paid for.

[36:45] For for some while we were there and a four-pack.

[36:49] So far this show is kind of the diametrical opposite of last show last year yeah so So disappointing.

[36:56] It was.

[36:57] Goodness.

[37:00] But interesting that Jeff is now just on his phone.

[37:05] Oh, I'm just looking at the notes for what topics might be worth talking about.

[37:10] Well, I was going to say that the show that I watched. Yeah.
Because it finally did complete and I was waiting for it to complete so I could binge it.
It was Fargo, season five.

[37:20] Oh. Yeah.

[37:21] I just watched that.

[37:22] Oh, okay. So you have.

[37:23] Yes. Okay.

[37:24] Yeah. Yeah.
I think it was very good. Juno Temple was amazing in it. Juno Temple was absolutely fantastic.

[37:34] That's the lady who plays Keeley in Ted Lasso.

[37:39] She.

[37:39] Didn't watch it. I tried getting her into the first season of Fargo and she's like, eh.

[37:45] Maybe I wasn't in the mood.

[37:47] When she was in Seattle, I binged season five.

[37:50] It took me two days. I did like that I started watching it and the first episode, it didn't really grabbed that much till the end and then i sort of then i think i watched the rat like up to episode five and five served an excellent place and okay i could put this away and come back next day um, and so so i would give it an eight how.

[38:19] Would you place it amongst other fargo's.

[38:22] So i never i didn't see episode uh season three or four okay and i've seen season you see season one or two but a while ago i feel like season one was the best and i feel like this is on par with season two two.

[38:36] Was one with jesse plemmons and kirsten.

[38:38] Dunst right okay.

[38:39] Three was the one i can't remember.

[38:43] Four was chris rock i know that was that was that the chris.

[38:46] Rock one okay hmm.

[38:49] And I just, it wasn't that, it was just the reviews were kind of like, I was like, eh.
I know, but everyone said this is the season where they come back.
And it was good. I'm a fan of Noah Haley in general.
And he adds magical realism to his things in very different places.

[39:07] How'd you like Jon Hamm?

[39:09] It's weird because like, no, Jon Hamm, I'd also give him like an eight.
I think that he was, he's so ridiculously charismatic that for the first, in the first couple episodes he makes a really bad character almost sympathetic and then then then it turns nearly okay now he's really bad but but no he was he's very good in it but you know temple was the star oh yeah yeah she was so fantastic one i did notice that i didn't like the kid actor the kid i think she was first of all she was trying to she was playing somebody who's like younger than she looked for sure like it seemed like she was playing a six-year-old but she's clearly like 10 or 12 even um and at one point i do remember she spiked the camera and i was like oh god how do you why didn't they get rid of that yeah i mean just when that happens it's just when somebody looks right at the camera you're just like.

[40:08] Looking into your soul yeah.

[40:09] Yeah.

[40:11] No super good i forgot that he put it on notes but yeah i I really enjoyed it.
I was glad to see it was a Fargo akin to the first two seasons.
Cause yeah, those first two ones are really good.

[40:25] I'm glad you found some really good things to do while I was gone.

[40:30] I watched Fargo because you weren't.

[40:33] I'm glad that you were able to do that.

[40:36] I thought you were being sarcastic.

[40:38] No, no, no, I wasn't.

[40:39] I mean, I have it here with me. If you wanted a bit of hearing, you don't need it. So it's fine.

[40:43] Yeah. We have Hulu. I think, I think it's on Hulu, so.

[40:48] So yeah i'm ready so my the next one that i want to watch we're in the middle of something else but next is the expats expats i.

[41:03] Don't know what that is about.

[41:04] Nicole kidman plays in it and you know what an expat is yeah okay so that's basically what it is but um Um, I really, really like Nicole Kidman and I, I, I don't really know a lot about, I just saw a couple of trailers here and there and it just came out a week or so ago, the first episode.

[41:31] What was the one with Nicole Kidman where she was like the spiritual guru at that freaky retreat? What was that?

[41:37] Was that White Lotus?

[41:38] Yeah. Was she in White Lotus?

[41:40] I don't know.

[41:41] Oh, no.

[41:42] No.

[41:43] No.

[41:44] We stopped watching White Lotus, but it was similar. It came out right before White Lotus.

[41:48] No, it was with Reese Witherspoon, too.
Crap. I liked that show.
I can't think of what it is. Now I'm going to have to Google it.

[42:02] But while you're Googling, I will talk about this beer.

[42:04] Okay.

[42:07] Now, it's been so long ago that this is, it's just a weird kind of memory that floats around whenever I taste a beer that has decently good pepper in it. That Tabasco.

[42:22] Oh my God. We're just talking about it at work this week.
the one the so that's okay this is crazy we're both in the same headspace because yeah i had um not what's this beer that brought it up.

[42:40] Oh i forget oh someone was just talking about oh back when we did the hot ones in my one of my persons on my team maybe did the bomb beer shot he was they brought that up again and then got on the kind of conversation about how pepper beers are tenuous and things like that and i was like oh my god but the ring of fire from iron hill which was a tabasco barrel aged porter, um so i went and looked into this beer they only brewed it in 2008 it was they put a blonde ale or golden ale into the tabasco barrels and it was this nuclear thing and they had to blend it out they put it out with porter so it changed from like this golden spicy pepper beer to a porter, um there was a like a recall on it it was it was only available to mug club members so i think we got it from brian colasar oh wow from um uh brew lounge blog because you know he'd come out and for the he comes out every year for the flyers penguins game whatnot um so i think we got it from him there was bottles exploding because of over carbonation so there was a recall on this spirit.

[43:54] So like reading and then like people like reviews of it back in the 2008 time frame on Beer Advocate and stuff.
I was looking up even and people were like, it's over carbonated.
It's kind of oxidized. It's, you know, like, so I'm like, we seem to love this beer, but all signs are pointing to it shouldn't have been a good beer.

[44:12] I mean, that happens. Occasionally you get like the gem of the bottles.

[44:17] Yeah.

[44:17] Um usually you get you hear about a great beer and you get one and it's like, in most cases if you get one it's gonna be the bad one not the good one yeah but no somehow that one was remarkable for how good it was how well that sticks in my head and how well the the spice played and and it's the it's the same thing where the capsaicin is playing the same kind of feeling role here where it's there it's not overpowering but it's it's there and it's obvious and it's like, it's giving a charm to the beer yeah.

[44:51] I mean my palate is like you know my my spice tolerance is through the roof right but i haven't had a sip in a minute and a half or so and i still feel little tingle on my tongue.

[45:03] You know so.

[45:04] For someone who doesn't have such a spice tolerance they might think that it has a i don't think it's gonna be hot or a huge.

[45:10] No i think it doesn't i think.

[45:11] It's It's going to be more present.

[45:12] It's not a thing where you're reaching for a glass to put it out.

[45:15] No, not at all.

[45:16] So it's the good kind of hot there. That's why I think it's the good kind of hot, because the bad kind of hot is where, yeah, oh my God, this has to stop. This is not that.

[45:26] Like, what did I do? Yeah.

[45:28] So back to Nicole Kidman and the show you were asking about.

[45:34] Yeah.

[45:35] Big Little Lies.

[45:37] Is that what it was?

[45:37] Big Little Lies.

[45:38] Yeah, Big Little Lies. she.

[45:40] Didn't play a really likable character in that show.

[45:43] She was, yeah it was.

[45:52] It's a retreat.

[45:53] For super rich people she was misunderstood alright so we're gonna go to boxcar brewing next I am so sick of rich people like really rich.

[46:03] People like I'm so sick of the absurdly rich, i

[46:11] Mean why shouldn't i be but like the.

[46:15] Way in which they're just at this point they seem to be.

[46:21] There are let's say i would say all of them but there are certainly many of them who are flaunting the fact that they are super rich who can do so much because they are super rich so this is crazy Craig told me this.

[46:34] Let me tell you about Craig.

[46:35] No.

[46:40] Yeah.

[46:40] You gave.

[46:41] We have a sound effect. If you gave.

[46:52] If he gave Christopher Columbus $200,000 a day for every day since he...

[47:00] Christopher Columbus, the director of Home Alone?

[47:02] No, Christopher Columbus. Chris Columbus, the sailor, the explorer from 1492. Right.

[47:09] Yeah.

[47:09] If he gave him $200,000 a day, every day from then till now, he still wouldn't have the $44 billion that Elon Musk used to buy Twitter.

[47:23] Well from a purely from a purely you put money in a box and that's it standpoint yeah but that's not of course how it works because that money would go would be invested in well.

[47:34] Sure but it's also crazy it kind of helps with the perspective of what 44 billion because it's been, eight oh my god how many days i forget i i did i checked double check the math he'd have like 39 billion dollars if you gave him 200 000 a day every day and uh and it's been you know what 500, 600 whatever years you know 1492 yeah like whatever the math is but But I don't know.
You would think if you got that much money daily and were able to accumulate that for all of that time, you'd be the richest person on earth. And you're not.

[48:23] I mean, we'll start pouring the beer. So it's not like it's not like he must put 44 million of his own money up, which is even the funnier thing because he put like, I don't know, maybe 15, 12 million of his own money and then he got other investors to join him.
It wouldn't be funnier if he put 44 million of his own money in.

[48:44] Billion.

[48:45] Billion. But the problem is how much of that is liquid?
like most of that's in valued in stock like tesla stock which is ridiculously overvalued spacex stock which is ridiculously overvalued so it's not like he actually has.

[49:05] X amount of money uh sitting around and in fact like if he were to sell all of his stock the price would drop that's that's how economics works so it is not it wouldn't be worth that much so anytime time you talk about paper value it's a little bit of a weird thing but that was literally 44 billion dollars in liquid that transferred so there was with the combination there was 44 billion dollars of liquid money that went for once you know went to the twitter board i understand the people at twitter being like okay you're gonna give us 44 billion dollars we accept take it, because why wouldn't you oh for sure but um, i mean it it is it is funny to me how he has absolutely ruined this thing uh this play thing and he spent a bunch of rich people's money on it in in some ways it's it's it's freaking funny it's hilarious but it's also i i do not want to hear about billionaires anymore just sick of it, So I'm not interested in like that show billions. I think that's, that's off the air now. Um.

[50:28] So there's been 194,340 days since 1492.
So that's kind of the number of days you're thinking about.
So two or almost 200,000 times 200,000, which I think comes out to 40 billion. Right. So yeah.

[50:46] Yeah. Just think when you think of a billion, remember that a billion is a thousand million.
So if you have a million dollars, It takes a thousand of them to make a billion dollars.

[50:57] It's a lot.

[51:00] I play Monopoly Go.
So I know that.

[51:07] You're going to make a billion dollars, play Monopoly Go?

[51:09] I have like $23 billion right now on Monopoly Go.

[51:15] Damn. How much is that worth in real money?

[51:19] Jack Diddley.

[51:20] Jack Diddley.

[51:22] What do we have here, Jeff?

[51:23] This is Boxcar Brewing in Dubois, Pennsylvania. This is their Capricious.

[51:29] Is it Dubois or is it Dubois?

[51:31] It should be Dubois. Or is it Dubois?

[51:34] But it's not because we're in Pennsylvania. So it's Dubois.

[51:39] It's Dubois.

[51:40] There's Dubois and there's Versailles.

[51:43] Versailles. It's Dubois.

[51:46] It's Dubois.

[51:47] This is a blend of two different beers. The bear went into maple syrup barrels and into bourbon barrels.

[51:56] Maple syrup from where is my question.

[51:59] Well, they don't put shitty maple syrup in wooden barrels.

[52:06] Look at this, my brain.

[52:09] They only put the expensive maple syrup in barrels.

[52:12] I just want to know if it's from Vermont.

[52:15] It doesn't say, probably Canada.

[52:18] Well, no, it doesn't say at all. So, and it just says a blended bourbon. But.

[52:23] Before Founders sold out and they had, they sourced their maple syrup barrels, it was from Canada.
And I've actually had the syrup and it was like $60 for a wine bottle of maple syrup.

[52:38] Yeah.

[52:38] And usually it's not worth that much.

[52:40] It was good.

[52:41] I mean, it's not like $60.

[52:42] It was good. I didn't buy it for it. It was back in the day before Canadian Breakfast Stout was everywhere.
The Fat Heads Pub here in Pittsburgh had a release day thing.
So they had a sixth of a Canadian Breakfast Stout.
They had bottles of the syrup that was also in those barrels.
And then they got waffles from Pointe Bruges.
And the waffles and the syrup are comp for going for the tasting.
thing it was well it's an old school craft beer event it was really cool.

[53:17] So i smell the maple, oh yeah smell the bourbon.

[53:25] Yeah maple maple leads.

[53:32] It it.

[53:32] Looks a little thin but i think that's probably because the maple, the color is kind of a brownish gray almost weirdly.

[53:48] So a pretty tea color there's a red yeah tea and looks like tea very clear if you can get light through to shine through it no head yeah.

[54:01] That's the thinness yeah so.

[54:03] And then yeah the aroma It was 14% too.

[54:08] Which.

[54:10] Which I think is, could easily mess people up because just on the nose itself, it, it seems like a very, it doesn't seem very complex.

[54:22] It's not as viscous as I would have expected it to be for 14%.

[54:27] I jumped ahead to the flavor. It's a little bit oxidized. There's kind of a cherry note to it.

[54:32] Like a cherry.

[54:33] Cherry thing. thing. It's not ruining the beer, at least not on the first sip, but it is oxidation.
It might prove to not be worth sobriety, but it's oxidized.

[54:45] Very much so. I'm on the edge of saying no, just because, yeah, that is...

[54:51] It is.

[54:52] Now, if it was a tart cherry stout, then you might be like, oh, it's nailing it.

[54:58] No.

[54:58] The fact that it looks so thin, it looked that way. It looked like there was a problem with it.

[55:07] They waxed it. How'd the air get in with the wax? Oh, my goodness.
No, so I can't understand.

[55:15] No.

[55:15] The wax was a real pain to get off, too.

[55:19] There's still some on the table.

[55:21] Yeah, that's a dump bucket.

[55:23] Grab the old dump bucket.

[55:25] The dump bucket.

[55:27] The debut of the dump bucket. Dun.

[55:31] Dun, dun.

[55:32] Do we want to pull out the option here?

[55:35] I think so.

[55:36] All right.

[55:37] I think we need to.

[55:38] I think we want to pull it out, and it really should go next to the lineup, but it's too cold, so we're going to have to do it last.

[55:47] All right.

[55:48] It's in the refrigerator right up here.

[55:51] All right.

[55:51] Are we talking about the one that we got from? 66.
This one.

[56:00] This one.

[56:01] This one. It's also waxed beautifully with my favorite color.

[56:07] Blue a dark blue like a navy a navy blue yeah has.

[56:14] To be navy blue.

[56:16] Unfortunately for it to be my favorite color too cold to drink right now so i'm gonna sit on it literally.

[56:22] Yeah sit on it.

[56:25] Like a nest be a little mama bird all right so while we're waiting for that to warm up we're We're going to jump on to, from Sydney's growing company, we have Douse Rye.
It's an imperial stout aged in Willet Rye casks for 26 months.
And Sazerac and Templeton Rye casks for 20 months, 13%.

[56:44] Anyone else need a rinse?

[56:48] I think I'm good.

[56:49] All right.

[56:53] Willett, Sazerac, and Templeton.

[56:55] What are we on? I'm sorry.

[56:57] Dalsry.

[56:57] Oh, okay. Cinderlands.

[56:59] So we're going from 14% and ruined to 13% and hopefully not ruined.

[57:04] It's going to be another one of those. Are we going to have an after show?

[57:13] Post show? Almost certainly, yeah. I mean, there's definitely something I want to talk about.

[57:17] Is it going to be one of those long ones? Certainly.

[57:20] Certainly. We got to give Greg McGill something to listen to while he's cleaning kegs.

[57:24] For sure. Greg, you're awesome, man.

[57:27] You are awesome.

[57:30] I said in Discord this week, he's the only person who'll see a three-hour post show. He's like, let's fucking go.

[57:39] How long did it take for you to upload that? You had to let it go overnight, right?

[57:45] I forgot that the post show was so long. And it was taking forever to upload.
because when we upload the show we do the multi-track so it was not just three hours it was three times three so it was nine hours of wave files that i was uploading over my gigabit ethernet to um a phonic wow and it took forever.

[58:06] Wow yeah all.

[58:09] Right this douse rye i've had it before uh this is a 22 can of beer, and unless this can you know somehow is cursed this looks better worth it this thing looks like it looks like dark lord right it is like murky black it has the darkest head it.

[58:32] Has like tan highlights like like it's almost reddish.

[58:37] See i wouldn't say highlights because it doesn't have have highlights the foam the foam is like reddish like tell you.

[58:45] Glass look at the that's legs i mean the legs on that are beautiful it smells smoky.

[58:56] So there's gonna be so we need to take our time with this beer even when we're doing it not in analysis mode yeah the first sip or two is It just blows you out.
But then after that, you can get into the nuance.

[59:12] So it's like a...

[59:15] It's like a bourbon, really.

[59:16] Well, or even like any cocktail with Campari in it, right?
So it's like the bitterness is going to whack you and then it gees into it. Yeah.

[59:26] So I'm just going to sit here with my hands wrapped around this glass for a while.

[59:31] Yeah. So I was kind of worried about having this one on the show because the way we have to to take a quick take and I'm like, this one's not amenable to a quick take, but you know what?

[59:41] It's CBR now.

[59:42] It's only CBR. We got shit to talk about.
It's like FedEx. They're not Federal or Express anymore. They're just FedEx.

[59:52] Were they Federal before? Well.

[59:54] They were primarily Federal.

[59:56] Their name was Federal Express. I have no idea about their Federal business, but they literally changed their name from Federal Express to FedEx.

[1:00:07] Yeah, but I was just wondering if they were ever Federal.

[1:00:11] I think that there was something they did that aligned themselves with federal stuff more often but they were never like actually federal.

[1:00:23] I'd be interested to know.

[1:00:24] So if anybody has covered that in hamilton there should be a song about it oh yeah.

[1:00:30] Well.

[1:00:33] That's a throwback.

[1:00:34] Well the thing is that the reason why i asked to bring your computer is because in the discord shout out to discord everybody yes jeff pointed out that, yeah he asked about the electoral college he said greg probably knows blah blah and i was like yeah i i kind of do and but i was like you know what here's the deal we'll talk about this in the post show more but i want you to ask me about the electoral college with it up like with the information like the wiki like actually you want me to be like the the proctor when that started i did not look up anything i haven't in fact there was one time when i was looking up a story and it they talked about a constitutional amendment like in new york times and i took it away because i didn't want to i didn't want to yeah so the.

[1:01:18] The origin of the whole thing was that.

[1:01:20] Um

[1:01:24] Greg wanted to get our take and we gotta do this in the post show too on like why trump is popular in the united states.

[1:01:33] Right that's that's a very difficult question but.

[1:01:35] He wants that you know so he.

[1:01:37] Has to try.

[1:01:37] To give it but he's in new zealand he doesn't know he wants he's like i don't don't understand. Why is Trump popular?

[1:01:42] I don't either.

[1:01:43] I'd love to hear your take. And, and that's, I made this joke of like, you know, that'll be perfect for episode 538.

[1:01:51] Yes.

[1:01:52] Right. And, and he missed the, the joke and the joke was in the United States, there is a website, 538 blog, which is this thing.
And I initially said it was the number of people in Congress Congress and that's wrong.
There's 535 people in Congress, uh, 435, uh, houses, house of representative representatives and a hundred senators.
Um, and I had to correct myself. Five 38 is the number of electoral votes there. Yes.
And I'm like, it's the electoral college. And I had said, just as a joke to Greg, like, don't ask, no one knows.
And, um, and then we talked and he said he actually had looked up back in the, you know, the, 2016 you know thing he read up on it and then i'm like i said something about like i hope greg doesn't see this because i want to see how much greg knows about the electoral college off the top of his head and you did see it but you said you were going to stay stay blind and uh so that's what we're going to do one of the things we're going to do yes this is going to be like a four hour post show um especially if we have to figure out why trump is popular well.

[1:03:04] That's going to be a very tough topic because none of us know the answer.
There's just sort of fun part.

[1:03:10] The wild speculation. It's not no.

[1:03:13] The wild speculation will be the fun part.

[1:03:15] I mean, there's a lot to talk about there. It's also an aggravating topic, so it's questionable how long we'll stay on that snowflake.

[1:03:24] You know how you haven't watched The Bear?

[1:03:27] The Bear.

[1:03:30] Because of... Yeah.

[1:03:31] The same thing. The same thing.

[1:03:33] Thing fuck yes yeah just hearing that man's voice makes my blood pressure go up to the point where i'm worried about myself i had a fucking facebook memory just a couple days ago because it was like right it was the day after the inauguration right and uh it was like hey did y'all hear what trump did today neither did i and i've never been so happy right because he's been and like it popped like now i'm like oh fuck that didn't age well that fucking sucks.

[1:04:15] I think there are some interesting things I could say about the phenomenon that Trump is using.
I don't know how much I can say about Trump himself.

[1:04:25] I have a lot I could say about him. It's probably not appropriate to say in public.

[1:04:33] This isn't public. This is the Internet. It's perfectly appropriate to say it on the Internet. Fuck that guy.

[1:04:39] He's a fucking douchebag.

[1:04:42] Maybe you save it for the post show. Oh.

[1:04:44] Okay. Alright.

[1:04:45] I'll leave it. It's okay. Yeah, we all believe it is the opinion of this house that Trump is a douchebag.

[1:04:53] He is.

[1:04:58] Dallas Rye from Cinderlands.

[1:05:01] Back to the show here. It is um,


[1:05:10] Aroma is boozy.

[1:05:12] It's for sure boozy. Yeah. There is a barely woody thing. There's a cocoa.
Greg's shaking his head. Uh-oh. It's.

[1:05:19] A lot.

[1:05:20] It is a lot.

[1:05:21] It is.

[1:05:21] It's not the barrel.

[1:05:22] It's heavy.

[1:05:22] It's a lot.

[1:05:23] It's a lot. It's heavy.

[1:05:27] Um, I see what you mean, um, about how, like.

[1:05:32] It comes around after a sip or two. It really does. It fits like a warm glove. I promise you.

[1:05:36] Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. It's really smoky, very assertive, and...
It grabs your attention and it stays there.

[1:05:55] It's everything I want in a pearl stout.

[1:05:57] Yeah.

[1:05:58] It's everything I want.

[1:06:00] Now.

[1:06:01] This is not a warm hug. This is someone tackling you.

[1:06:06] It's a bear hug, man.

[1:06:08] Yeah. It's a bear hug. The chocolate notes that you're tasting.
Would you.

[1:06:16] I mean, there's not chocolate, but there's chocolatey notes. Yeah.
yeah it's like bitter chocolate baker's chocolate bakers mostly just roasted barley and barrel tannins kind of giving a chocolate thing is what it is yeah okay, um the mouthfeel and the thing it's it's a slick it's that boozy slick imperial stop mouthfeel love it boozy flavor it has that oaky you know yeah i i'm not sure i am picking up anything distinctly rye about it maybe subtly rye maybe if i had the bourbon version of this beer i'd notice the difference i would expect you know something spicy there's a little bit.

[1:07:04] Of spicy on the back of my tongue a bit that's the only thing i can call out that that is.

[1:07:09] To me.

[1:07:09] Any rye-ish quality.

[1:07:14] But we had the Brooklyn Black Ops on the Disappointing Show and this is the counterpart to that.
This delivers in every aspect where I wanted Brooklyn to deliver.

[1:07:30] Let me be clear, I'm not saying it's bad.
I'm just saying it's a lot.

[1:07:37] Yeah, you still got like four ounces to to come around to it.

[1:07:39] And it's...
it's bordering on ashy.

[1:07:45] Bordering on not there yeah no i get you um yeah previous the last time we had this beer i had bought two cans because they're 22 a can right so um or maybe it was 11 maybe it's 22 for both i forget it was a lot um i was thinking oh it's a little too ashy, and then i lived with it a little bit and it changed my mind.

[1:08:10] Well it's definitely warmed up up a lot i.

[1:08:13] Have to tell you so we only bought two cans we drank.

[1:08:17] Yeah this is a lot and it was really hard.

[1:08:21] To save this second.

[1:08:24] Hand for the show if i that's why i had it this week because if we didn't it wouldn't make it i made it.

[1:08:30] To the next show now all.

[1:08:31] Right i i feel a little bit of what you're saying where i'm starting to break through a bit i'm starting to get to that taste i got more More of the chocolate than I ever had before.

[1:08:42] It's almost like Shannon and I have learned how to drink this beer.
Because we didn't need the training wheel sips this time around. No.
A weird observation is all I'm saying. Yeah.

[1:08:54] Yeah. There's a lot to get past, though. There's a barrier here.

[1:08:59] I mean, yeah. If you have these expectations over here of what you're going to get in the beer, and then you get something on the opposite side of the scale, you're going to be very, it's going to be hard for you to come up with a really good opinion.
That's not even the right word. So it's just going to be, the expectation versus what you're getting are going to be completely different.
Jeff and I both had this beer. We know what to expect. And.

[1:09:44] We focused in right on the parts we loved in this second can.
But the first can, no, seriously, there was a learning curve to getting on boarded to this beer.
is i'm not saying anything like succinctly it's it's just like this weird yeah observation line being like this is this is a lot and uh.

[1:10:14] It in in enjoyment is is there's a predicate to that.

[1:10:23] Yeah i'm starting to feel like we're trying to force your arm yeah i don't want to do that stop that that you know it's totally possible this is just you know not you know we're not all gonna we're not all gonna get to yes on this one yeah.

[1:10:42] I mean, you said there's everything you like in a stout, but to me, no, a stout would be, like, an imperial stout would be one that is enjoyable from the top. You don't have to break through anything.
To have to have a thing where you get through is, I think, a less desirable trait.

[1:10:59] Well, it was, okay, so we were sitting on the couch having this beer, and I had my first sip, and it was colder than this because it wasn't sitting out for most of the show, right? And I was like, oh, it's kind of ashy, kind of monotone.
But then as it sat in our glass and we watched more TV and drank it, it got to where it is now for me. And it got into more of the thing.

[1:11:24] Everybody who gets this will probably have the same experience where the first few tastes, they'll be a little off.
And then they'll be fine with it for the rest of it.
And they'll be doing whatever they're doing. We're in CBR mode doing the micro-scoop.
Yeah. And that's a bit of a different way to look at the beer.

[1:11:41] That's how it is.

[1:11:43] And.

[1:11:45] Absolutely.

[1:11:46] And so I'm judging it more harshly based on that.

[1:11:48] Yeah, you should. And like I said, that's why I said a minute ago, like, I don't want to sound like we're trying to twist your arm.
Like Greg, you have to get here.
Like this isn't like, I'm not, I'm not Mickey. I trying to train you to beat Apollo Creed.
Rest in peace, Carl Weathers. Um.

[1:12:04] Even rest in rest in power King. Um, but, um, Okay, so the thing is, like, this is still, like, way better than that oxidized crap, and this is way better than anything we had on last show. But it's...
It's not so immediately enjoyable, and it takes so much training to get through.

[1:12:27] I get you. I get you. Okay, so here's the question. We're at an hour 12.
Do we want to do the rankings now, or do we want to open this Brew Gents?

[1:12:35] I think we need to open the Brew Gents only because we told him a month ago that this was going to be on the next episode.

[1:12:49] I think we need to open the Brew Gents because it's a 750 milliliter bottle.
And we're probably going to have another three-hour post show.

[1:12:58] Yes.

[1:12:59] Okay.

[1:13:01] Twist my arm, Greg. I won't twist yours to like this beer, but you can twist my arm to drink another Mexican chocolate stuff.
Thing is, I don't want to rush that beer.

[1:13:13] No, I don't want to either.

[1:13:14] Can you grab a couple more beer glasses out of the...

[1:13:17] Oh, that's an interesting...

[1:13:18] Oh, good idea. So.

[1:13:19] You know, worse comes to worse, of course.

[1:13:21] And you're asking me because I'm the female in the house? Yeah, you're the homemaker.

[1:13:25] Because you're the run right there. No.

[1:13:29] Thank you.

[1:13:30] No.

[1:13:30] That's not why.

[1:13:30] Thank you, Greg.

[1:13:32] It's not why I did it. It's not why I did it.

[1:13:36] He just dug his grave.

[1:13:38] I'm just like such a sexist asshole. Everyone who knows me knows that I don't respect women. Yeah.

[1:13:47] I'm just the housewife.

[1:13:48] Ain't you know ain't.

[1:13:51] What kind of glass we don't have three of them.

[1:13:55] Just the nice and fancy ones i don't know yeah.

[1:14:00] I hate it when the usb thing goes and and.

[1:14:06] And don't work and i lose all my soundboard stuff what.

[1:14:10] Should i use i'm.

[1:14:12] Using the mug mug, thin glass beer glasses.

[1:14:15] This?

[1:14:16] That'll work. Yeah, those are good. If you have more than one of those.

[1:14:21] Anything thin is fine. Anything thin is fine. Okay.

[1:14:24] Oh, wait. I have my eggs ever easy.

[1:14:29] No, that's not thin. That's the opposite of thin. Wine glasses.

[1:14:33] Wine glasses?

[1:14:34] Yeah, wine glasses will work.

[1:14:35] Like this?

[1:14:36] Yeah, that's fine. Yeah, great. All right.

[1:14:39] I'll take one in my...

[1:14:47] All right. Get to the chopper!

[1:14:52] All right. The final beer, probably, of the evening is the Brew Gentlemen's.
What do they call this thing? This is... Oh.

[1:15:01] Yeah. I need to write this one down because I don't have this one ready for the show.
Brew Gentlemen's.

[1:15:09] Double Mix.

[1:15:11] Double Mix?
All right, so, American Imperial Stout.
Barrel-aged stout made with coffee, cinnamon, and vanilla, 9.9%.

[1:15:35] 9.9%.

[1:15:44] An imperial oatmeal stout with coffee, cinnamon, vanilla, aged in bourbon barrels, 11%.

[1:15:50] 11%. Okay, so that was wrong. I'm trying to find. Okay, maybe this is.

[1:15:54] Wait, I need to fix.

[1:15:57] My. I guess they must have changed it.

[1:15:58] I like how it says, where it says made in Braddock.
Braddock's a town just outside of Pittsburgh where the gentlemen's are.
But instead of saying made in Braddock, it's in Spanish. So it's jica in Braddock.

[1:16:11] So what's the actual percentage?

[1:16:13] Bottle says 11 bottle.

[1:16:15] Says 11 so the the thing that i have is the 2022 version which uh.

[1:16:20] Oh this is the 23 version and it's sold out.

[1:16:24] So good luck.

[1:16:25] Yeah no we were really lucky getting.

[1:16:29] That's it basically they had it on pickup reserve kind of thing like do you have any left over to And they're like, oh, there you go, check. So, yeah.

[1:16:39] We got really lucky. And great bartender.
I have to, I don't, I'm sorry if you're listening, but I don't remember your name.

[1:16:49] I love that aroma.

[1:16:51] The cinnamon's way bigger in this one than the East End.

[1:16:56] Oh, wow. That's just.

[1:16:59] Smells like a meal.

[1:17:01] Full of flavors, isn't it?

[1:17:03] Yeah.

[1:17:03] Just like.

[1:17:06] Bursting man that smells like a fajita it's weird a fajita yeah, Okay, now I'm feeling more chocolate.

[1:17:21] That's a good description, actually.

[1:17:25] There's spice there.

[1:17:26] Is it like the tortilla? Or is there a peppery thing?

[1:17:31] It's the pepper.

[1:17:32] It's the peppers.

[1:17:33] It's like the, you know, because I'm thinking of like those fajitas where you have the, you know, where they chop the red and the bell peppers and that gives it an aroma. Okay.

[1:17:45] So it's really funny. And it's the alcohol talking now.
But when you said fajita, I was just thinking of all of the different flavors and thinking of it as a kind of, you know, it was humorous.

[1:18:02] Oh, my God.

[1:18:03] But I actually, on the nose, when you say fajita, it's a fucking fajita.

[1:18:14] Because it's a wild beer.

[1:18:18] Holy shit.

[1:18:19] It's a wow beer.

[1:18:20] Holy shit. He said the last one was everything you wanted in this town.

[1:18:23] Oh my God.

[1:18:24] This is amazing. That first sip was like.

[1:18:27] What is going on?

[1:18:30] It's like ice cream and- Chocolate.

[1:18:35] Ice cream, peppers, onions, like everything in a fajita.

[1:18:41] But sweetened? A mole fajita. Yeah, a mole fajita. Chocolate in there.

[1:18:47] But it has the mouthfeel of like a milkshake.

[1:18:49] Yeah.

[1:18:50] Yeah.

[1:18:53] That's pretty good.

[1:18:54] Yeah.

[1:18:55] That don't suck.

[1:18:56] No, it don't suck. And it's not just pretty good. It's pretty fucking good.
I can't.

[1:19:04] No, that's a wow beer.

[1:19:06] That is exceptional. That is...
that that's the chocolate is still mexican chocolate but a little bit sweeter um there is as you said a full mouth feel very you know full and inviting there is like a spiciness almost like a cumin like spice.

[1:19:26] Well cumin makes sense when you were guys were calling out the heated yeah yeah yeah because i almost if i if there was more room for me to fit in i would like are you getting the peppers or the cumin but yeah i think the cumin is probably where that that's how i'm I'm relating to that.
But the chocolate for me, it's not Mexican. I mean, it is Mexican chocolate, but it's not only Mexican chocolate.
It is like when you get one of those like super rich, like Belgian hot chocolates.
It's like that kind of chocolate too.

[1:19:57] Yeah, there's that sort of deeper, more bitter chocolate, but the bitterness is cut with kind of perfect amount of sweetness to not overpower it.
and it's the coldness that's giving you that milkshake thing and the thickness right because it's still pretty cold.

[1:20:23] But I like it I don't want it to go away it fits.

[1:20:32] It's full remember I said it smells like a meal it tastes like a meal a different sort of meal than I was smelling I didn't know it was smelling, but.
Your gentleman does it again. Yeah.

[1:20:46] Yeah.

[1:20:48] I totally forgot that we got this bottle on like, because we asked nicely and someone didn't show up for their pickup. Yeah.

[1:20:58] We had really lucky with this bottle. And we had a really, really nice bartender.

[1:21:06] Yeah.

[1:21:06] That's um They don't wear the bow ties anymore Oh really?

[1:21:12] No It's fine They.

[1:21:16] Used to dress like speakeasy people With the arm garters What's that called?
The last band you put on your sleeve Is that like a garter still?
I don't know He used to wear the vest and the garter thing And the bow tie Like speakeasy Mmhmm, Because they're gentlemen.

[1:21:36] I don't know.

[1:21:40] Oh, my God. I could drink this all night.

[1:21:42] Yeah, this is.

[1:21:43] You will. You got 750 milliliters of it.

[1:21:47] Yeah. And this is not like being saved. This is being drunk tonight.

[1:21:53] Oh, yeah, it is.

[1:21:54] Oh, yeah.

[1:21:55] Post show is going to be a long show.

[1:21:57] It's crazy how last show, we just couldn't catch a break.

[1:22:03] And the show like almost everything is delicious except for the oxidized barley wine which we're not going to judge.

[1:22:10] Because it is not what the brewer intended.

[1:22:14] You know, you tricked somebody tricked me last time.

[1:22:17] No, I mean.

[1:22:18] Somebody said we weren't going to judge it and then it was No.

[1:22:24] It can still be part of your fuck, marry, kill but it's not part of your judge.

[1:22:26] I have a slightly different opinion here, right?
Because I bought this limited release bottle from the place at our premium and it's wax coated and it comes oxidized, the giving them a pass doesn't seem fair i.

[1:22:44] Mean the thing is it it is not like okay in in the craft beer radio world before we were just cbr the decision was that, if it wasn't if it clearly wasn't what the brewery intended that we weren't going to judge it on its merits because.

[1:23:02] Yeah i think i grew up since then i think i'm like if the if it's what the marketer like you know if you're going to put it out there if i'm going to pay 20 for that bottle and you're going to like you know not have quality control then i'm a little pissed about it so i.

[1:23:20] Guess i mean i guess the a comparison would be let's say you you ordered um something from ikea and it had termites in it, do you judge it based on the fact that it fell apart quickly because it had termites in.

[1:23:38] Oh right right so ranking it like oh this beer is a this versus this bottle's fucked is a different thing i'm not gonna like not rank it i'm gonna say this bottle's fucked last place, maybe i've changed my opinion over the years maybe i'm grumpier now maybe.

[1:23:58] I i feel like i i don't have enough experience with the beer itself to judge it.

[1:24:06] The bottom it's about the beer in the bottle for me right now i reserve the right to change my opinion next week but you're allowed this beer is fucked last place let.

[1:24:15] Me take a look at the Are we already?

[1:24:18] We

[1:24:18] Got to get on the post show.

[1:24:20] Okay. I'm just trying to work on my.

[1:24:23] I think it's very interesting how they make this look almost like an award thing here, but it's just a wax seal.

[1:24:32] Capricious, Boxcar Brew Works, Dubois, Pennsylvania.

[1:24:37] Dubois.

[1:24:37] Dubois. I mean, they have some good beers there, but I bought this one to bring home.

[1:24:42] And that might be a good beer. But what I would do is, since they're local, take it back.

[1:24:51] Several oh yeah next time we're up in the northern tier and.

[1:24:55] If it's if it's a good brewery they'll say you know what all right here you go it's.

[1:25:00] A good idea i'll bring it like this bottle's fucked what are you gonna do about bro uh okay so the rest of the beer is fucking awesome do i have to rank them um that's.

[1:25:11] Our shtick well then it's the craft beer radio shtick.

[1:25:14] Yes we're cbr now now let me try to do it is that it's this this this that and that oh my god they're all so good, i'm going to put so.

[1:25:29] We got to make sure that we get the the direction correct so then so.

[1:25:34] Last place capricious second to last place hard luck loser in this case, i'm torn between the trace which was that kind of matter of fact delicious saison or the east end 19th which was a pretty good mole stout i think saison wins so i'm gonna put the east end in fourth place fifth place the trace in fourth place oh we still got more trays look at that that's happy um top three boy oh boy oh boy um i'll put the wow he'll feel dirty for putting it so low but i'm gonna put the whole farm set in third place gonna put next, yeah third place the dows in second place that's new ones and the i'm gonna do a comparison in first place this is hard yeah it sucks when this show is so awesome it.

[1:26:45] Really is it does.

[1:26:48] Give a taste of the cinderlands right after you've tasted the.

[1:26:56] I still mellow where.

[1:26:57] Right? What's that mellow where, right? Yeah.

[1:26:59] That's kind of what you get when you.

[1:27:01] Yeah, yeah.

[1:27:01] I still, I mean, yeah, it's like, but that Sagey says on, does that beat the big, big boozy stouts?

[1:27:09] Yes.

[1:27:10] It's hard to say. All right, Greg, what do you want to do?

[1:27:14] All right. Uh, that's going in last place.

[1:27:16] This one. Yeah. Okay.

[1:27:19] Um.

[1:27:20] This one, that's not being applicable. Not applicable.

[1:27:24] Uh, Put the hill farm set in second place.
And yes, that's my order.

[1:27:36] All right. Tell the people. All right.

[1:27:40] Let me take a picture. And so we can save it. All right.
In first place, this gentleman is Gonzo. So, I mean, the shame of it is it's sold out. No one else can get any more.

[1:28:00] Yeah.

[1:28:00] Next year.

[1:28:01] Next year, though, maybe.

[1:28:03] Pre-order it next year.

[1:28:04] Mm-hmm. Get some. If it's even close to this, it's worth it.

[1:28:10] Mm-hmm.

[1:28:12] This is just, I mean, you said before that the same one was everything you wanted to list out. No, this.

[1:28:19] Mm-hmm.

[1:28:19] This is everything I wanted to list out.

[1:28:24] I won't i'll let you do your thing i have a comment on that no please i want to hear so, there's different things i want in different cells when i want an imperial stout, i want boozy like the the dowels from cinderlands so like this 11 is an imperial it's not in that vein of russian imperial stout where even though it's rye barrels and stuff the dows is still in the vein of russian imperial stout this is in a like american double stout sweet stout kind of thing like this is like sweeter but this is like the best mackesson you can ever get it's.

[1:29:03] Sweeter but it's full and it's bright and it's.

[1:29:06] I'm different different moods i want both of them no i'm just giving i'm.

[1:29:12] Giving the the.

[1:29:13] The counterpoint the counterpoint yeah for sure For me, I have two different personalities where I want big, boozy, dark, and roasty.
I want big, boozy, dark, and roasty when I want an Imperial style.
When that Bell's Expedition isn't hitting the spot and I want something better, I want the Dals.
And then when I want something that's just freaking delicious like a milkshake, I want this General Braddock, or the Braddock's Double Mex.

[1:29:46] Brew Gentlemen. They're in Braddock. Yes. That's it.
The Hill Farm set is next because that was a unique beer. I've never heard anything like that. That Sage Saison thing.
Wow. That's unique.
It's out there.
Curious. So much story to tell. Love that. Love that.
East End. It was just a damn good beer. um i mean it it hurts in comparison to this one just because this one is so this gentleman is so wild yeah this one's bonkers this one's solid this is like a plus plus plus that is like you know b plus maybe you're.

[1:30:30] Rating like me.

[1:30:31] On on a you know it's one of those things on an other show last week this would have killed right.

[1:30:37] You know.

[1:30:37] Oh yeah so you know you got bonkers and solid.

[1:30:40] For me so the other thing about it was the spice was so good in that one like the the way the spice was handled the way the pepper played yeah like the the thing that so the brew gentleman was about just because i think it's absolutely fantastic top tier like you said wow beer the hill farm said it's about because there's nothing else i've ever had like it, the brew gentleman is really really good and the scent sorry the east end is really really good and really good pepper beer too so like i mean yeah just fantastic and you know would would be a star in almost every in any other show, The Trace comes next because it's just a solid Saison, great for a meal.

[1:31:28] Do you think this one's a bit hard luck in your ranking because of the competition?

[1:31:32] I think that the East End is more hard luck than this. Okay.
I think this one is just, it's missing the complexity that would make it a good beer on its own.
As an accompaniment, I think it's fantastic. I think that's the purpose that it should serve if you were to get it, because I think that's where it shines.
But as a beer under the microscope, it doesn't shine so much.
But it's still very good, very solid, very, you know, it's complete for what it is. It's what it's trying to do.
There's no flaws in it, which there could be. I mean, making a beer like this is a difficult thing.
making a flawless beer like this is very very difficult to do and they did it, kudos and yeah the last one not a bad beer the cinderlands but the fact that it takes an education and a learning curve and you get to get into it the other ones to me are more More, definitely more what I would recommend anybody and for sure more what I'd be in the market for, I think.

[1:32:44] All right, babe, you're up.

[1:32:46] I know. I've got to get these in order. I need this one.

[1:32:51] You didn't talk about your tablet at all. That was worthy of an introduction.

[1:32:55] Well, we can do that in post-show.

[1:32:58] I mean, if we run out of drinks, I could also make another paper planes.

[1:33:01] I still have my paper planes here to thank you.
Thank you for helping me out here.

[1:33:11] Just stop banging on your microphone.

[1:33:13] Phone oh my god geez get off my back man get off my dick and that, should i take a picture of the actual that works right up yeah so that you don't get confused i do get confused easy first through left to right this time you know i did left to right last time it confused you okay so in first place i have to go with the uh blue blue the blue the blue it's blue wax it is i mean it's it's my favorite color i i and honestly that had nothing Nothing to do with my rating, but it is my favorite color.

[1:34:08] This is the double mix from Brew Gentlemen.

[1:34:10] It is. Yes. I love it. The complexity. Oh, my God.
I can't get enough of this. I'm very sad that...
I can't get any more right now because that is exactly what I'm looking for when I'm looking for a stout.

[1:34:40] You gave it an A triple plus.

[1:34:43] I did.

[1:34:45] That's like the highest ranking.

[1:34:46] Yeah. Yeah.

[1:34:50] Because four pluses just breaks the scale and ruins everything.

[1:34:55] Yeah. Yeah. So in second place, I'm going with Cinderlands, Dallas Rye.
I can't remember why I have to go back to my notes here.
I loved the complexity in that as well.

[1:35:10] Definitely complex.

[1:35:11] Only one plus, though.

[1:35:13] It was an A plus. Yeah.

[1:35:16] Yeah.

[1:35:16] But you all need to really...

[1:35:19] There are two extra pluses.

[1:35:20] You have to understand the way I do things. It doesn't make sense to anybody else but me. No.

[1:35:27] When you pick your starting point, you have to make room in between.

[1:35:32] Exactly.

[1:35:33] So pluses and minuses.

[1:35:35] I love the complexity, the cocoa notes. No.

[1:35:39] Jeff is saying that this beer wrecks the curve, is what he's saying.
This beer breaks the curve. We're saying, yeah, regrade everything now because this beer is broken.

[1:35:45] No, you just have to have more pluses. There's always more pluses.

[1:35:48] There's an infinite number.

[1:35:50] Of pluses.

[1:35:51] It's a community joke where pluses are.

[1:35:53] Minuses do you all care what my ranking is we love you do you? do you?
do you love me?
alright so I'm gonna carry on that's love I'm gonna carry on then shh shh, second second. All right. We did the cinder ones. Third place.
I am happy to announce that East End's 19th anniversary Mexican stout.
Okay, I do recognize the fact that stouts are probably my favorite.
Why'd you do that?

[1:36:59] Because he was trying to get your curses out of there with the horrible curses you said.

[1:37:08] So, you guys are so rude.

[1:37:13] You know what's really funny?
When I play these sounds here, I don't think that makes it into the aphonic mix. Oh.

[1:37:22] Really?

[1:37:22] I don't think I upload these beep beep beeps that I'm doing to the aphonic mix.

[1:37:26] Oh, good. So only I get there.

[1:37:28] Yours go in for sure.

[1:37:30] But mine don't.

[1:37:34] East End, you freaking nailed it with this one.
This Mexican stout. i had it last night when i was at the brewery it only.

[1:37:45] Took them 19 years and.

[1:37:46] I really really i mean.

[1:37:51] Shit it took me 33 right so.

[1:37:53] You guys are so fucking rude man you interrupt me all the time i know i'm just being very sensitive tonight i suppose so anyway um easton you you, Yeah, I really like it. The complexity, the fact that commonplace is in there.

[1:38:19] We didn't specify this, but there is a local coffee roaster, commonplace coffee.

[1:38:24] Yeah.

[1:38:24] It's what Shannon and I drink.

[1:38:27] We talked about it.

[1:38:28] Daily. Yeah.

[1:38:30] But we didn't really explain.

[1:38:30] That's our coffee.

[1:38:31] We assumed local coffee roaster makes some of the best coffee.
I didn't drink coffee until I tasted a single origin commonplace coffee. I'm like, oh.

[1:38:43] I'm sorry.

[1:38:44] That's coffee? Oh, I'm going to drink coffee now.

[1:38:48] That's sad.

[1:38:51] It's life, man.

[1:38:52] No, that's really sad. How can you? Well, that's a whole other subject for the after show.

[1:38:59] I probably drank less than 10 cups of coffee that haven't been commonplace. No.

[1:39:04] Actually.

[1:39:05] That's not true.

[1:39:05] That can't be true.

[1:39:07] I love the fact that it's really weird because I had no idea that that habanero was in there.
And then when habanero was mentioned, I was like, oh, crap.
I taste that habanero. That's so...
I don't know. It's just...

[1:39:35] It's a good beer.

[1:39:36] It adds to it, and it just makes it great. So that's third.
I'm making this much longer than it should be. Hillstead.

[1:39:48] No.

[1:39:49] Number four.

[1:39:50] Hill Farmstead.

[1:39:51] Hill Farmstead.

[1:39:52] I'm writing, and I'm being stupid.

[1:39:57] Hillboys.

[1:39:59] Hillsborough. Yes. Hillsborough County. That's where I grew up. Hill Farmstead.
The non-conformist. Yeah.
Smells like sage. I freaking love this.
Like, I don't know. This is going to be on my merry fuck kill because.

[1:40:26] Spoilers.

[1:40:28] Yeah. Who cares? It's fun. Yeah. Yeah.

[1:40:30] That's fine.

[1:40:31] I'm putting on my Mary Fuck kilt because of the fact that I love going to an Italian restaurant and them giving me fresh bread that's just out of the oven.
That's about the Olive Garden.
That's not, I don't go to the fucking Olive Garden.

[1:40:51] It would be fine if you did.

[1:40:53] It would be fine if you did.

[1:40:54] People are going to, like, no, it's fine. It's fine. I don't. Well.

[1:40:58] There's some back to history that the audience doesn't know.

[1:41:04] Actually, they don't do the oil bread there, do they? No.

[1:41:07] They do endless pasta or whatever. Endless bread stick.

[1:41:10] Some stupid shit.

[1:41:12] They do endless something.

[1:41:13] Yeah, some stupid shit. Anyways.
Give me some fresh bread and a plate with olive oil and some fresh Italian seasonings mixed in with that olive oil to dip that warm, fresh bread in.
That's exactly what I'm tasting.

[1:41:36] You know why that works? There's science behind that. We'll talk about that in the potion.

[1:41:39] All right. We will. And I don't even know where I'm at. Oh, trace. Trace is number four.

[1:41:47] Five.

[1:41:48] Five.

[1:41:49] Five. What?

[1:41:50] Yeah. Because the Hill Farm set was number one.

[1:41:52] Oh, five. Five. Five. Trace.
And I'm sorry about that because I feel really bad because Trace was really freaking good.

[1:42:02] Look what is up again.

[1:42:03] Yeah. Unlike last week where everything, or last episode, where everything was, I don't know, a complete, not utter failure.
I don't know. Yeah. Yeah, underwhelming. That's a nice way to put it.

[1:42:19] Nice way to put it, yes.

[1:42:21] I don't put.

[1:42:22] The... Yeah, the best beer was fine.

[1:42:23] And I can't get this thing to move, and it's not moving.
I don't know why I like Trace, because I can't get my freaking tablet to do what I want it to do.

[1:42:33] Sometimes the technology defeats you when you just want to have something to write stuff down.

[1:42:37] The Trace was kind of one note, and...

[1:42:40] Don't give me the finger. Give the finger to your device. All right. That's fucking weird.

[1:42:43] And in Last Pace, boxcar...

[1:42:47] It was oxidized.

[1:42:48] It was oxidized. Take it back. I'm really sorry to say that.

[1:42:54] It will be a question of the, you know, if the brewer is a good brewer, they're going to say, okay, you know what? Here's a different one.
And if they're not, then they're going to say, you get what you pay for. Take it back.

[1:43:08] On our way back up to...

[1:43:12] I'd like to know about Du Bois.

[1:43:17] Du Bois.

[1:43:18] Du Bois.

[1:43:19] Du Bois.

[1:43:20] Du Bois. Du.

[1:43:22] Bois. All right.

[1:43:23] So I guess we move on to the Mary. Oh, shit.
I am going to.

[1:43:36] I'm interested.

[1:43:37] I'm going to marry the Trace Fooder Saison.

[1:43:41] Really? Really? Yeah.

[1:43:42] Stick around for dinner every night. Fuck yeah. Solid.

[1:43:48] Okay.

[1:43:48] I am going to kill the boxcar because it's oxidized.
And I am going to fuck the Brew Gentlemen.
And I also want to nominate the Brew Gentlemen for best of the beerists.
So the beerist podcast, that's our highest award. And everyone on the show has to agree that it's worthy of the title of Best of the Beerists.
So now John Rubio has to get this beer and vote on it. It's just stupid. Don't worry about it.

[1:44:21] Not even going to bother to acknowledge that. Go ahead, Shannon.

[1:44:25] Oh, God, I'm not ready. I'm ready.

[1:44:29] If you're not.

[1:44:30] Go ahead.

[1:44:30] All right. So what am I fucking? I'm fucking the East End. Spicy Mama.
right i mean it's close because like the hill farm set is like exotic right that's something i've never seen before that's something you're like but the the east end is like, spicy in all the right ways and got the right curves and i don't know there's something something still familiar about it but also very fuckable so i'm gonna go with the east end hill farm said maybe as a uh a second if if the east end is busy you.

[1:45:17] Know baby got back sound bite right here.

[1:45:19] I'm gonna uh that's all i got um i guess the i guess for for mary it's got to be the brew gentleman right i mean come on that's if you don't want to if you're going to marry an amazing person then do it if you get the chance to marry an amazing person probably should, uh that's an amazing beer uh and for kill of the beers that are here, i mean kill it's obvious for the capricious but of the ones that are on here then it has It has to be the Sunderlands.
hard luck loser but all.

[1:46:14] Right what's wrong.

[1:46:17] I'm having a hard time with the merry the merry fuck kill you're having a hard time it doesn't matter.

[1:46:27] With the thing that does not deserve much of a second thought.

[1:46:34] None of it matters but this is the thing that matters the least of none of the matters.

[1:46:38] All right right all right take your time figure it out.

[1:46:42] Do the math and i'm flipping through my notes here don't overthink it and just.

[1:46:49] Go with your gut no notes no notes.

[1:46:53] No don't say don't don't don't babe this.

[1:46:56] Isn't a notes thing this.

[1:46:58] Is so i really that i found what i was looking for um but.

[1:47:03] I still haven't found what i'm looking for.

[1:47:08] Where's hill farstead it's right there in front of you right this one yeah i want to marry that one okay it's over nine thousand, and the reason why i want to marry that one is because i love fresh warm bread bread dipped in olive oil with my italian seasonings that's the freaking bomb and i could do that every night even though it wouldn't be good for me that's.

[1:47:48] The thing that feels like someone you'd marry for their accent and get sick of real quick.

[1:47:51] I'm not gonna get sick sick of it i my body might not like it but i'm gonna freaking love it so that's my mary i am going to, fuck, The Brewed Gentleman.
And I'm... Why now? Yeah, I'm gonna kill the boxcar.

[1:48:23] Alright. Awesome.
Thank you everyone for tuning in to another amazing episode of CBR.
Best episode of CBR ever. Best.

[1:48:48] The first episode of CBR ever.

[1:48:50] The best.
It's technically true.

[1:48:54] Yes. Also the worst.

[1:48:58] Why do you have to be so glass half empty?

[1:49:02] Because you're the glass half full. Alright.

[1:49:07] Tune in next time for another great episode of whatever we're calling ourselves this week and uh it's gonna be a great episode i just feel it it's gonna be the greatest you.

[1:49:18] Know what we'll be coming back with some more beers from florida.

[1:49:24] And atlanta and.

[1:49:26] Atlanta i just.

[1:49:27] And the music stopped because music's over because Because we're just taking too long to wrap this up.

[1:49:34] But we will be returning after our trip.

[1:49:39] You know, like doors are getting locked.

[1:49:41] Tony, this USB thing is fucked up. I don't know what's going on here.

[1:49:44] Maybe the red cable's no bueno.

[1:49:47] Maybe. China cable.

[1:49:49] You don't have to do that. I can plug you into USB channel one.

[1:49:53] All right. I'm out.

[1:49:56] Party break for me. You're not interested in this USB talk? Because, I mean, come on.

[1:50:00] No, well, I'm fine with USB talk, but it's potty break time.

[1:50:04] Party on, Wayne.

[1:50:05] Party on, guys.